Selection by ratings
The primary criterion for ranking candidates is the Q statistic
Subperiods are Jun to Sep 2023, Oct to Jan and Feb to May 2024.
- The Qstat: The qualifying statistic is Q = (P1 + P2 + 2 x P3)/4 , which is a weighted average of peak
ratings in the three subperiods.
- Third peak: You cannot earn the peak in the third subperiod until you have played 40 games rated by ASPA
in the qualification period.
- Penalty: If you do not earn a peak in a subperiod , your peak in that subperiod is equal to the last
rating minus 200. This may be applied more than once.
- Incomplete tournament: If you miss a game for any reason other than an assigned bye,
you cannot count a peak attained in that tournament for any qualification purposes.
Games played will count towards games quotas.
Ratings will be calculated as usual, with byes and forfeits not rated.
- Games: You must have played at least 40 games in the qualifying period.
- Tie breaker: If two players have the same Q statistic, the one with the greater number of games in the
qualification period is ranked higher.
Players may appeal to CASPA for a special dispensation in exceptional circumstances. In the event of any unforeseen
issue the decision of CASPA is final.